Classic & Vintage Car Towing
We’ll treat your pride and joy like it’s our own…
If you’ve got a special classic car that needs the “kid gloves” treatment, we’re known throughout the South Island for the care we take when towing classic and vintage cars
Project & Basket Cases
If you’ve got a project car (join the club…) that needs to be towed somewhere, we tow cars on rotisseries, cars that have been under a hedge for 50 years to cars with no wheels and even tow cars in cardboard boxes. If a classic car needs towing in Christchurch or Canterbury, call us.
Vintage & Classic Cars
We tow cars from Model T Fords to E Type Jags and Ferraris, and we know how to look after them so they arrive in the same condition as when they were picked up.
When you’re towing vintage and classic cars, you can’t take short cuts, and that’s why places like Waimak Classics and organisations like the Vintage Car club prefer to use Ashley’s Tow Taxi to tow classic cars.
Based on our Google reviews, we reckon we’re the best towing company in Christchurch, would you want anyone else towing your classic car?
Race and Super Cars
We’re very experienced at towing lowered and performance cars, so we can take them to Ruapuna at the beginning of the day and bring them back at the end.
Hot Rods & Muscle Cars
We can help to tow your pride and joy to and from shows and events South Island wide. Muscle Car Madness, Kaikoura Hop and anywhere else we’d love to help.
Don’t risk your pride and joy by sticking it on a trailer, towing a car on a tow truck is a LOT safer and usually cheaper.